I am busy setting up new hides and locations for Loch Visions. Particularly our One Day Experience (our beginners and introductory workshop) which has moved from Kilchrenan west to a stunning coastal setting, see the above 360 image. It has been a slow start but I have been working the site now for 2 months and I think it is almost ready to do some images from. What am I aiming for???? Well the below characters and forest birds. Next newsletter should reveal all as I will hopefully hopefully have some images.
If your interested in coming along and doing a workshop in our new stunning location, it should be up and running by March and if you wish to gift this to a friend then all our vouchers will be valid for our new location.
Click here to find more out about our Christmas Gift Vouchers
Click here to find out more about the One Day Experience
The ambition with all my new locations is that you get the chance to do some amazing wildlife photography - portraits and action (like these taken from my old location) and you also get to experience some incredible locations and include that element in your photography. It is all about having an amazing experience and falling in love with your wildlife!
I had a wonderful weekend in the Cairngorms last month. The main reason for going was to meet up with the Scotland: The Big Picture team which I am a member off, to plan what we are trying to achieve in the coming year and to meet some of the team who I have not met before. It was an incredible experience, mainly because I get to work with a bunch of people all working towards a wonderful vision for a wilder Scotland.
However I could not come to a snowy Cairngorm and not experience one of its totally incredible and toughest inhabitants, the Ptarmigan.
There was absolutely no reason for taking these images, other than wanting to spend some time with one of the most beautiful and tough animals you will ever meet. Sometimes photography is not about getting that killer image or telling that important story, sometimes we just need to enjoy our wild places and wildlife in it. I certainly did!
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. Next one I hope to have a raft of images from some of our brand new locations. All the best and I hope you all get some time to enjoy your local wildlife.