What we do?
Since we were set up we have undertaken a wide range of education, research and citizen science activities as well as hosting many community events and talks and raising awareness of marine and coastal issues.
We now have around 100 members and friends out of a small coastal community, many representing whole families.
One of the key things we do is work with other organisations and community groups and represent our community’s views to official and government bodies.
We participate in government and community consultations about coastal use and fisheries management and collaborate with other coastal communities. We are a member of the Coastal Communities Network, Our Seas Coalition and Scottish Rewilding Alliance, promoting the Craignish community’s views in the national conversation about marine habitat protection and restoration.
We also worked with the global Mission Blue coalition and other coastal community groups to make the Argyll Coast & Islands into the UK’s first Hope Spot
CROMACH members also founded the hugely successful Seawilding restoration charity, conducted the Mon the Fish community survey, and are working with all of the stakeholders in the loch and Marine Scotland to try to establish Scotland’s first mainland Demonstration & Research Marine Protected Area in Loch Craignish.
If you want to know more or join CROMACH email info@cromach.org