CROMACH Community Survey, Mon the Fish, 2021
In 2021 we conducted a survey of the Craignish community’s aspirations for their loch. The survey assessed community views and revealed an appetite for potential longer-term protection mechanisms. The survey elicited 146 responses - a comprehensive result in a community of less than 500 given that many respondents represented whole households.
Analysis of the survey demonstrated that the community wanted to focus on the following three areas:
● Enhance the biodiversity of the loch and its neighboring environment to support wildlife, carbon sequestration and the community’s pleasure in observing flora and fauna
● Protect ecosystems in the loch, including Priority Marine Features, by working with all stakeholders to improve the health of the loch, minimise pollution, improve water quality, and to promote sustainable fishing and aquaculture.
● Work to make Loch Craignish a model of community-led stewardship that other communities can follow while creating new opportunities for scientific research, green jobs, training and volunteering.
The survey results were presented at a well-attended public meeting at the Craignish Village Hall, and has led to our current application to establish Scotland’s first mainland D&R MPA in Loch Craignish
You can read the full survey results: