It has taken 3 years to actually beat the wind and weather and get to Puffins during nice weather and get that all elusive sunset. Last year we got within one mile but had to turn back. And wow was it worth the wait. For most of the evening it was puffins in nice light, then for a manic 10 mins the sun dipped low enough you could get the puffins in with it and it was all go.
As ever it was a pretty special group of people who really got what this was all about and why it was so special (some were on there 3rd attempt and were thinking it was getting personal).
New dates for 2019 online for all our tours, workshops and one day experiences - click here to find out more
We have another new workshop. Following on some reccying by me and some test workshops, plus the huge success of the bird of prey tour I am now offering Golden Eagle Isle of Mull workshops. Click here to find out more information
But it is not over yet, still have grey seals (full) and roaring red deer (one space left)to go and I can not wait. Plus loads of one day workshops for all sorts which we do still have spaces on.
Beaver photography from Canoe was a major hit this year. Both in terms of how cool the beavers were with it and the incredible experience we had watching them!
We have had one of the best seasons ever in our Otter location. Mainly due to this amazing animal. This is mum from our mum and cub pairing from earlier in the year. They are still together and everyday I see them I am in awe of her hard work and wonderful parenting.
Will return to a bit more of a helpful newsletter next time with hints and tips section back in. Just needed to get this out now while I had 2 days in the office before October madness starts!