CROMACH & Seawilding
Established in 2020 by CROMACH members, Seawilding is a pioneering marine habitat restoration charity based in Loch Craignish.
Seawilding’s aims are:
● To advance the environmental protection and improvement of Scottish coastal waters by developing and delivering projects to restore degraded marine habitats and species, including native oysters and other priority marine features around the coast.
● To advance the education of marine science, marine conservation and best-practice marine habitat restoration by creating citizen science and research opportunities with schools, community groups, businesses, organisations, and academic partners.
● To advance the environmental protection and improvement of Scottish coastal waters by campaigning for sustainable and responsible use of marine resources.
Seawilding is well on the way to restoring 1 million native oysters to Loch Craignish- the largest community-led restoration project of its kind in the UK. It has also pioneered the first seagrass restoration in Scotland at Loch Craignish. Since 2020, Seawilding has created 6 full time jobs at Loch Craignish, engaged scores of volunteers (over 1000 volunteer hours per annum) instigated a wide range of academic research and involved hundreds of schoolchildren from Argyll primary schools in citizen science. It also encourages and trains similar community-led restoration projects all round Scotland.
Find out more about what Seawilding is doing here