As some of you know I have moved my business further west to the wonderful craignish peninsula, this is mainly to be closer to my two main locations for Otters and Beavers. However what it is doing is throwing up some other totally incredible locations for me to potentially take you all too! This island is one of them. Sandy a local boat operator took me to an island he farms to show me a colony of grey seals. What a place. Both wild and rugged but with the utter magic of the west coast!
We arrived and there sitting on one of these wonderful wee islands was an amazing Juvenille white tailed eagle, clearly hoping for some after birth from the grey seals, an easy meal full of vital minerals for them.
As we came into land on the island we realised not one but two eagles as this one soared over head looking eagerly around for the rich pickings this time of year can offer.
On the island there were three main pupping areas, all on grass which is very unusual to see them in. I am more used to rocky beaches or sandy inlets. So this was a different challenge as there were no nice boulders to hide behind. Methodology then became a slow and tummy crawl in which I was not really equipped for and hence got very very wet.
But it worked and becuase I was essentially just another seal on the beach the action started to unfold.
Considering this was just a recce run, the level of behaviour and decent photographic opportunities there were was very surprising.
There we have it, a wonderful island full of incredible animals. Now I just need to sort adminy and logistical stuff out and will start advertising this workshop very soon. I will announce it hopefully in the next newsletter. I hope you enjoyed reading this and thanks so much for being part of the loch visions story.
The ride home was not too shabby either.......
All our workshops, tours and experiences including this one once I have it sorted can be bought as gift vouchers for Christmas.