I am in a new phase in my career. I love long lens work but I need to make more contextual photos, both for showcasing the amazing locations I am lucky enough to be able to use to run my workshops and hides but also to tell important wildlife stories through Scotland: The Big Picture work. I have had lovely results with wide angle lenses as if you get animals close then the nature of the lens kind of does the job for you (see below) as the perspective has such a wonderful impact on the viewer.
The lens I struggle with the most is the 70-200mm lens. I have never taken a shot with this lens that I have been over the moon with. There is very little perspective with it and you don't get that lovely high impact feel like from the 500 f4 which is my main lens. So what does it do and why bother?
Well this tricky lens can be fantastic for increasing the balance of the landscape in the shot, ie making cliffs look bigger while still showcasing the animal or in the above case really getting a sense of the squirrel in amongst giant ancient temperate rainforest Oaks. Wider lenses either have the animal too small in the frame or shrink the background too much sometimes. The key is planning, planning and experimenting, failing then more planning!
I tend to take the lens out with out any wildlife around to take lots of test shots to see what I like. I use a cuddly toy in place of the animal so I can get context and scale. Then you need to figure out how to swap toy for animal. Usually a bit of food does the trick but sometimes knowing the animals movements well is all you need (lots of reccy time). Then you should see the images start to improve with this lens. It is a lens I am really only on the beinning of a journey with and hope to discover more of what can be done with this tricky mid ranger and of course share that knowledge through my workshops and tours.
Set on the edge of a giant temperate rainforest with panoramic views over Loch Craignish this hide is designed so you can really push your own photography. This is a hugely creative hide with all sorts of possibilities allowing the photographer to get some truly unique images. All the above and below images were taken from this hide and you can book it online now. The hide covers portrait, scenic and action shots. You can also set wireless trigger wide angle cameras up and the squirrels are perfectly happy!
Click Here
or on any of the images to find out more
We have a new family in town!!!!! Otters are being particularly wonderful at the moment and we have spaces next week on a 3 day Otter Tour or you can book any available day as a Otter Workshop
Check out winder wildlife image from our new hide and the first Otter workshops of the season - Click Here